Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Traditional Training to the New Way

     Work environments are fast paced with new modern workers. These modern workers are able to learn new things and acquire new skills. The traditional approach to training is not efficient for these new workers. There are three big things that need to be looked at: cost, speed, and simplicity. So let's start off with cost. Training is not cheap and it's not worth it all the time. It cost a lot of money to get classroom facilities, teachers, and travel. Even though you save money having e-learning courses the development of these courses is expensive. The biggest issue that companies have is the cost to have these workers away from their job. To have a great business with skillful employees; you need to provide good training, but to what extent? Next is speed. Classroom training takes time to get through especially for a large group. On the other hand, e-learning allows delivering content to a large group all at the same time. The downfall is that it will take a long time to create extra time to update when needed. The last thing is simplicity. Its the main goal businesses want because if they could provide a simple training that will get the job done faster is a better choice. Tools and resources can be provided to the employees frequently to help them. At my job, they hold a staff meeting every month to give new training or pass out resources to keep up updated. 

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