Monday, April 22, 2019

Augmented Reality

     Smartphones have grown in popularity over the years and it's strange when young people don't have one. Most young people only use their smartphone for their own entertainment rather than for educational purposes (homework, studying, research, etc.) For me, it depends where I am; if I am home I will either use my laptop or tablet. But if I am away from home, I will use my smartphone to do schoolwork. As a matter of fact, I am typing this up using my smartphone. Google offers a way teachers can bring abstract objects to life. You can totally inspire creativity in your students using this tool. Getting that buzz when using new technology will grab the learners attention and keep them. I never heard about augmented reality until now, but hope I get hands-on experience with it. It is a great learning experience to go through.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Assessments in the Classroom

    There are many components when it comes to teaching a class and one of those components are assessments; i.e criterion-referenced tests. These tests measure the students' performances against a learning objective. These tests can include multiple choices, true or false, open-ended or any type of mixture of these questions. These test could be very important as the Star Testing or less important like a quiz. Some examples of criterion-based tools are google forms, kahoot, quizlet, and online games like Jeopardy. I have used these tools before being in the teacher's role and the student's role. I have witnessed how much the students enjoy when the teachers use tools like kahoot or other games in the classroom because the kids love competition. Another thing that I wanted to mention was the experience I had with the podcast activity. It was very interesting doing the activity and it took a couple of tries to get the audio the way I want. I was actually kind of nervous because I wanted to come off as a conversational style instead of a script, so I am not sure if I did well in that department. But it was great practice!

IDT Project Experience

    So, I had a lot of fun putting this project together. I learned a lot of the history on the dessert: cheesecake. Even though, this is ...